By sarahW on Thursday, 01 March 2012
Category: Grow Your Own

What to do in the Garden in March


March already! Suddenly I am in a state of panic about all the jobs I need to be doing, feeling like I don't have enough time to get all of my jobs done before the Summer comes!

Plus all the exciting things I want to start, building a bench, raised veg patches, design my front boarder, build a birds table, sort the bould patches of my garden.

I have just planted out some garlic in the dark! This is how panicked I am!

However, I calm myself down after writing a list of all March's jobs. Panic disappears with every sip of tea I take and realise actually things are not actually that urgent!

I thought I would let you know my list of jobs for March which you too may want to consider...

  1. Start a compost heap; it's always a great time of year this to be inspired to create things, with the shine pearing through a little more and the light nights setting in a little sooner.
  1. Plant garlic and onion sets.
  1. Trim back any Ivy or other climbers on walls or fences.
  1. 4 Chit potatoes.
  1. Tidy your strawberry plants, removing any dead stems and cover with a cloch.
  1. Top dress your platers and pots.
  1. Dig in compost or well rotted manure or garden waste.
  1. Pre warm your veg plot, covering with cardboard or tarporlin (whatever you have spare in your garden shed).
  1. Sow broad beans or broad bean plants...I bought some plants from a small local supplies. Sow other seeds like parsnips and carrots, rocket and spinach.
  1. I also love this time of year for a good clean out of my gardening equiptment, potting sheds and greenhouses.