A year in the life of a lawn. Here is a bit of guidence to help you care for your lawn and grass throughout the year, season by season. This calendar will help you to get your lawn looking great all year round.
Early Spring (February - March)
It's time for some corrective work right now, repairing edges, rolling and applying moss killer or racking moss. If you lawn is waterlooged or frosty however then you should wait or you will risk harming the lawn.
March: Start mowing your grass as soon as it begins to grow. Set your mower blades at their highest.
Late Spring: (April - May)
Mow contiunuously throughout these months, gradually lowering the blades.
If your grass has some bald patches then it's best to spread seed over these areas, keep these areas moist.
Apply fertiliser and weedkiller where necisary. Fill any holes in your lawn with a good topsoil, level and re-seed.
Summer: (June - August)
Keep mowing, even when the grass has hardly grown, this will force the grass to grow but keep the tall blades trimmed. It will also remove weed seedheads. When the weather is dry, raise the mower blades.
Don't feed or spread weed killer in dry conditions or this will burn grass.
Autumn: (September - October)
This is the time to prepare your lawn for the forth coming cold months of Winter. Repair egdes. Apply an Autumn lawn feed. Spike the lawn to help with drainage and rake. Rake fallen leaves regularly too or they they can potentially kill grass under them.
Winter: (November - January)
The final mow of the year should of happened now, why not get your mower serviced. Try not to walk on your grass in frosty or wet conditions. Continue to rake away those fallen leaves.